6 Ways To Quick Start Your Brain Like a Genius


6 Ways To Quick Start Your Brain Like a Genius

How do you start your day? If you are like most people, you probably check your email or social media first thing in the morning. But did you know tha

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How do you start your day? If you are like most people, you probably check your email or social media first thing in the morning. But did you know that there are other things you can do to quick start your brain and get yourself into a productive frame of mind?

As a student, you’re probably always looking for ways to increase your productivity and get better grades. Well, what if I told you that there are some tricks you can use to instantly supercharge your brainpower? With just a little bit of practice, you could be doing mental math like a pro, coming up with ideas on the fly, and retaining more information than ever before. Ready to learn how? Read on for six ways to quick-start your brain!

Ways To Quick Start Your Brain

  1. Get up and move around

You might not feel like it, but getting your body moving is a great way to get your brain working. Exercise increases blood flow to the brain, which helps to nourish and oxygenate brain cells. Plus, it releases chemicals like endorphins and dopamine that can improve mood and focus. So even if you just go for a quick walk around the block or do some stretches at your desk, you’ll be giving your brain a boost.

  1. Drink some water

Dehydration can cause fatigue, headaches, and difficulty concentrating. So make sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day, especially first thing in the morning. Not a fan of plain water? Try adding some lemon or mint to give it a refreshing flavor.

  1. Eat breakfast

Starting the day with a nutritious meal can help to improve focus and concentration. Breakfast provides the energy and nutrients that the brain needs to function at its best. So be sure to include protein, healthy fats, and complex carbohydrates in your morning meal.

  1. Take some deep breaths

Deep breathing is a quick and easy way to calm the mind and body. When we’re stressed, our breathing becomes shallow and rapid, which can exacerbate feelings of anxiety. Taking some slow, deep breaths helps to oxygenate the blood and slows down the heart rate, promoting relaxation.

  1. Listen to music

There’s a reason why so many people listen to music while they work. Studies have shown that listening to music can improve focus, concentration, and productivity. So put on your favorite tunes and see how it affects your ability to think like a genius.

  1. Practice gratitude

Focusing on the positive can help to improve mood and increase motivation. When we’re grateful for what we have, we’re more likely to be open to new opportunities and possibilities. So take a few moments each day to reflect on the things you’re thankful for. You might be surprised at how much it boosts your brainpower.


There you have it! Six tips to quick-start your brain like a genius. So the next time you’re feeling stuck, try one of these techniques and see how it helps. With a little practice, you’ll be surprised at how much smarter you can become. Good luck!