What is 5G Technology? Difference Between 1G, 2G, 3G, 4G, and 5G Technology?


What is 5G Technology? Difference Between 1G, 2G, 3G, 4G, and 5G Technology?

What is 5G technology? Difference between 1G, 2G, 3G, 4G, and 5G technology?

5G technology 5th generation cellular communication network. It is an advanced wireless broadband network. Before that previous generations exist havi

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5G technology 5th generation cellular communication network. It is an advanced wireless broadband network. Before that previous generations exist having a variety of limitations. 1G (first generation) is a telecom network in that people only talk to each other than a digital network known as 2G (Second generation) came, by using 2G people talk to each other and send text messages. For a better mobile internet experience, 3G (3rd generation) came with limited internet speed.

After that to enhance the internet speed and to develop the mobile app ecosystem 3.5G entered the communication market. For fast broadband internet experience, 4G (fourth generation) was invented by that data and voices are able to transfer abruptly from one destination to another. 4G LTE(Long term evolution) is the advanced version of 4G and its data speed is doubled. 5G is the latest communication network and is also the advanced version of 4G LTE. This is a broadband wireless network. By experiencing this technology everything is digitalized worldwide for example Industry 4.0, IOT(internet of things), etc. It is more reliable having a minimum response time.

5g technology

How does 5G Works?

To carry data or information through the air without wires by using radio frequencies or spectrum the basic phenomenon is used in 5G. The concept of higher bands known as small cells or millimeter waves (mm waves) is used in this mobile communication technology. Previously this wave technology is unused but now communication authorities open up for licensing. 5G mobile network comprises of four main components, The radio access network, the core network, network, slicing and networking, network function virtualization. Radio access network comprises towers, small cells, and dedicated in-building and home systems that connect mobile clients and wireless devices to the core network.

Connection range of small cell is very short, for continuous connection small cells is distributed in clusters which form a macro network. Macrocells in 5G use multiple input and multiple output antennas. To boost signals, enhance capacity, and send or receive more data across wireless networks 5G technology used multiple input and output antennas. The core network is actually a communication exchange network and it manages data, internet connections, and voices.

The core network is well integrated with internet and cloud-based services and having the feature of reducing latency means improving response time. Network Slicing by using this technique in business, industry, medical services, educational system, law and order agencies, automobiles and etc emergency services could be operated on a network slice independently from other users on the communication network. Network functions virtualization gave access to network operators to expand and manage their network capabilities on demand. By adopting this 5G technology operators can keep things running on the latest software without interruption to their customers.

Benefits of 5G technology.

Its well knew that an additional network capacity of 5G will impact everyone from industrial automation to smart city traffic lights. Industrial Revolution(Industry 4.0) by adopting 5G in manufacturing sector every machine including motor controllers to powering devices like transfers, generators, turbines and etc is transferred to IoT internet of thing means every machine works efficiently with fastest internet speed and controlled remotely in an effective way. With 5G power generated from the solar system, wind, thermal power plants, dams and etc is managed efficiently and the power system becomes more stable. Standardize Healthcare utilizing 5G robotic virtual surgeries in hospitals are done in a more reliable and safer way.

It enables medical technologies to monitor patients in real-time. Autonomous Vehicle’s latest unmanned vehicles contain a lot of sensors and other accessories and they generate gigabytes of data for their working and transportation with 5G technology these vehicles operate more efficiently without data interruption. Uninterrupted Browsing or faster speed connection 5G enables internet users to access fast speed 10 Gigabytes per second than 4G.

Now data transfer rate is faster and downloading is done in milliseconds. Higher device Capacity 5G deployment supports 10 Lac devices per 0.38 Square miles where 4G on supports 2000 devices. By adopting 5G Enterprises networks can host a large number of devices in their IT sector all of which can undertake simultaneous data transfer with the help of a network larger spectrum band of 5G. By the end of the year, 2021 70% of the businesses are planning to deploy 5G.

Disadvantages of 5G technology.

Security and privacy issues
Deploying Infrastructure
Broad distance or building diffusion
Battery drain/heat
Uploading Speed
Lack of Widespread Coverage
Huge Prices of 5G devices
Un availability of network in remote locations

5G Network Countries.

In the United kingdom companies like O2, EE, and Vodafone are actively deploying 5G. China Unicom has set up 5G in a few locations GSMA expects approximately 460 million 5G connections by the year 2025. India Telcos are getting prepared for the 5G and installations start by the end of 2021. Telcos in France announced 5G for real availability in 2021.

Dutusche Telekom started 5G in Berlin, Munich, Bonn and Cologne in 2019.In the United States, ATT is announced nationwide coverage of 5G by the end of 2021. In South Korea, 90%of Korean mobile users will get access to 5G by the end of 2026. Companies like Sk telecom, LG, Uplus, and KT Corp are contributing a lot for deploying 5G technology in South Korea and this country has the fastest internet accessibility. South Korea has 16 million 5G subscribers. The mm-Wave 5G service will be initially available for the business-to-business segment.

5G Speed in Mbps.

5G download speed across worldwide of different telecom operators are in the different ranges. Let’s do a comparison of various telecom companies’ Mbps speed in 4G and in 5G. AT&T in 4G technology its download speed is 37.1 Mbps but after deploying 5G download speed raised up to 75.6 Mbps. Sprint in 4G has a speed of 32.5 Mbps and after deploying 5G has a speed of 70 Mbps.

T-Mobile has download speed in 4G technology is 36.7 Mbps and in 5G Technology downloading speed is 71 Mbps. Verizon when having a 4G Communication network has downloading speed 53.3Mbps and after deploying 5G recorded speed is 67.1 Mbps. South Korea has 5G observed speed 336.1 Mbps, Saudia Arabia has 5G speed of 377.2 Mbps, Australia has downloading speed 215.18 Mbps and etc.