Top 10 Green Cities Worldwide & What Makes A City Smart.


Top 10 Green Cities Worldwide & What Makes A City Smart.

In the past few years, we've seen a rise in the number of smart cities. The concept of smart cities is relatively new and it builds upon existing citi

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In the past few years, we’ve seen a rise in the number of smart cities. The concept of smart cities is relatively new and it builds upon existing cities to improve them. This can mean a variety of things in practice, but the end goal is to create a city that is better. These cities make use of technology to improve the lives of the citizens who live there.

The world is a complex place. We are faced with more challenges than ever before, and we need to use every resource at our disposal to solve them. One of the key resources we have is technology. Technology has given us the ability to solve problems that would have taken longer, or we might not have been able to solve at all. It has given us the ability to create smart cities.

Smart cities are a new concept that is gaining popularity. In fact, last year the term smart city was a buzzword at several conferences. The smart city concept aims to improve an existing city by using technology to solve problems or make daily life easier. As the world becomes more technologically advanced, the idea of a smart city becomes more and more feasible.

Do you want to live in one of the smartest cities in the world? This article will tell you which cities are the smartest in the world, what makes them so intelligent, and how you can make your city smarter. Read more here.

What Makes A City Smart.

What makes a smart city?

The term smart city is used to describe an urban area that uses technology to improve quality of life, the environment, economic growth, and social equity for all of its residents. These cities are implementing technology to improve the lives of their citizens, to make them healthier, to make them happier and more productive, and to make them more sustainable. These cities are not only using technology to solve the problems they have today, but they are also looking to the future and trying to figure out how they can improve their cities to be better placed in the future.

How do you become a green city?

When we think of the greenest cities in the world, we usually think of a place with a lot of trees, greenery, and parks. This may be true, but it’s not the only characteristic that makes a city green. Some of the smartest cities in the world, like Singapore and Boston, have done a lot to be green. Singapore has a population of nearly 6 million people but produces only about 6.7 million metric tons of CO2 per year. Boston reduced its CO2 emissions by about 20 million metric tons since 1990, and about half of the city is parks and forests.

Top 10 green cities according to the Energy Information Administration

  1. Vienna, Austria
  2. Munich, Germany
  3. Berlin, Germany
  4. Madrid, Spain
  5. São Paulo, Brazil
  6. Manchester, United Kingdom
  7. Lisbon, Portugal
  8. Singapore
  9. Amsterdam, The Netherlands
  10. Washington D.C., USA


Conclusion: It’s much easier to keep a city green than to live in a green city. Start by reducing how much waste you generate. The world is a beautiful place, and cities too should strive to be green